Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/230

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Thou, whose immortal praise is sung
In hymns of deathless fame,
O, teach a feeble, faltering tongue
To magnify Thy name!

Thy name, at which the angels fall
And veil each shining brow,
Thy name, on which the lowliest call,
To which the loftiest bow.

O, for a language to adore
Thy glorious name on earth!
O, for a heavenly harp to pour
Thy heartfelt praises forth!

O, for a hymn to praise Thee still,
When centuries have fled;
When all who now life's stations fill
Are numbered with the dead!

A hymn to praise Thee as thou art
Redeemer, Lover, Friend,
Fraught with the language of my heart,
"Till fleeting time shall end.

Alas! I learn how weak my powers
The depths of love to reach,
How finite are these joys of ours,
How vain is human speech.

Only a thankful heart, I bring
For all thy love to give,
To Thee, by faltering faith, I cling;
Who died, that I might live.

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