Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/31

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Millions have gazed upon thy towering height,
O envied Fame!
And millions fain would on thy record write
A fadeless name.

But oh, how many of this mighty throng
While years have flown,
Have lived and died and left life's changing song,
To fame unknown!

Ah! many a fair ambition-gilded gem,
So dearly prized,
Has faded from Hope's golden diadem

And are they lost—gone never to return
Dead songs of vanished years—
And nothing left but lessons hard to learn,
Through bitter, blinding tears?

Yes; many who might stand at Honor's side
With laurels crowned,
But struggle to fulfil through Time's slow tide,
Life's common round.

And some, who might have found Fame's golden throne
A well-earned destiny,
Leave not behind a monumental stone
To tell their history;

Too good to leave for other hands to do
Their common daily task,
Faithful to duty, to their Maker true;
No higher lot they ask.

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