Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/33

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Again she saw the warrant she had signed
To seal another's fate,
And sought for peace and mercy but to find
Her search too late,

And uttered; knowing that 'twould soon be o'er,
The last words she could say
Before the proud tongue paused to speak no more,
"A kingdom for a day!"

A kingdom—all its wealth and princely dowers
To gladly give,
Just for a few more, weary, lingering hours
In which to live.

In which to make her peace with Heaven secure
Before her tongue was dumb,
In which to make her blackened record pure
Ere death should come.

How short is human Fame, how very soon
Is passed Life's little day,
Her wealth and beauty journey to the tomb;
Her glories fade away.

How small is Fame—beyond her golden sands,
Beyond the clouds, we see
The shining bow of promise, spans
Time and eternity.

[ 9 ]