Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/48

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(Arise, shine; for thy light is come and the glory of the
Lord is risen upon thee.—Is. 60:1.)

The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the heavens and earth be glad;
Lo, with her unnumbered voices
All the universe rejoices
In the excellence of glory He from the beginning had.
The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the heavens and earth be glad.

The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the stars together sing,
With His glory on them falling,
Higher yet His name extolling,
In exceeding rapture telling of the universal King.
The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the stars together sing.

The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the cedars clap their hands,
With His sunshine o'er them streaming,
With His glory 'round them gleaming;
Lo, from out death's darkness risen, in eternal life He stands!
The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Let the cedars clap their hands.

The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Open wide the starry gates
Of the universe before Him;
All His wondrous works adore Him;
Lo, he cometh, cometh, cometh; for His word His chariot waits.
The Lord liveth, alleluia!
Open wide the starry gates.

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