Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/51

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"Raise the ladders, we will rescue
Her who sings mid fire and smoke."
"I will go, she shall not perish,"
Thus the strong, brave fireman spoke;

Soon they reached the lonely figure
Standing on death's frightful brink,
The flames almost caught her garments
But she did not pause or shrink;

Back again to earth they brought her
To the frightened, wondering throng
And they asked in eager questions
All about her wondrous song.

"Could I fear," she said, "when o'er me
Seeing, hearing, knowing all
There was One who ever watchful
Heeds the sparrows when they fall?"

Wondrous faith, to stand there singing
With what seemed her dying breath,
Sweetest song when angels listened,
Glorious victory over death!

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