Page:Poems Hoffman.djvu/56

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From such a golden realm to stay,
So crossed the wilderness again
To find the land of gold and grain.
The dark-browed natives gazed in awe
And with fierce, war-like anger saw
Their loved and cherished hunting-ground
Changed into farms and peopled towns;
What wonder that in rage they rose
For vengeance on their pale-faced foes?
What wonder that each swarthy brave
Strove his Elysian home to save?
But all in vain, there soon shall be
None left to tell their history;
And even now, earth can but trace
A remnant of that mighty race.
Fair California, land of gold!
My hopes for thee are yet untold,
But ere I lay my pen aside
These wishes I would here inscribe:
That vice should haunt thy hills no more
Nor crime infest Pacific's shore,
But right and loyal truth increase,
And all the votaries of peace
Should enter at thy Golden Gate;
My childhood's home, my native State!

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