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Prose and Poetry. Nearly 20,000 Quotations and 50,000 lines of Concordance.

It contains the celebrated quotations and all the useful Proverbs and Mottoes from the English, Latin, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, classified according to subjects. Latin Law Terms and Phrases, Legal Maxims, etc. (all with translations).

It has a vast concordance of nearly 50,000 lines, by which any quotation of note may at once be found and traced to its source. It is to quotations what Young's or Cruden's Concordance is to the Bible."

Its Table of Contents: Index of Authors, giving date of birth, nativity, etc.; Topical Index with Cross References, Index of Sub. jects, Index of Translation, together with its immense Concordance and many other features desirable in a work of reference, combine to make this Cyclopedia what it is,


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