Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/150

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An exiled one—I sit and weep;
Oh! dost thou see the tears I pour,
As I my twilight vigil keep,
And give to thee thine own loved hour?

I did not think, beloved one,
That I could thus have borne thy loss;
Thus put my robe of darkness on,
And bent beneath the bitter cross.

With humbled heart I kneel and bow,
Till light breaks forth amidst the gloom;
I feel the God of peace bestow
The calm of heaven around thy tomb.

A blessed voice is hovering near,
Ah! well I know each gentle tone;
"Ye who on earth were once so dear,
Though parted, I am still your own.

"Not hopeless weep—so live, my loved,
As soon to meet me here in bliss;
Toil on—my labours are approved,
Come—share my sainted happiness."