Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/180

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Those gay bright groups had passed me all,
When I encountered a trio so small,
They might have come from the fairy ground,
And then wild elfin locks were straggling round,
Unribboned, uncombed, on their shoulders bare,
Little outcasts they from a mother's fond care.

Yet linked in each other was each fond hand,
They were running, and laughing—a happy band:
Each pale thin cheek with smiles was lit,
And then naked feet did like fairies flit;
And joyously did they quaff the breeze,
And run in and out through the circling trees.

And then, methought, that in God's kind sight,
Those outcasts of earth might be gems of light;
That, in his pure home of peace and love,
Blest abodes for them might be waiting above;
And those I now pitied,as cherubs, rest
In the innermost shrine of a Father's breast.

And I blest the love that gave them bliss,
From the innocent sport of an hour like this;
For of all that gay and happy throng,
That had passed me on my path along,
None filled my heart with thoughts so dear,
Of His care, as the three little outcasts there.