Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/183

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I was within a home, where nature smiled,
In perfect loveliness—a range of hills,
As pure a blue as ever blest the heaven,
Bounding the horizon—the autumnal fields
In rich profusion waving—every hedge
And little bank with brightest fragrance blooming—
In the dark lanes, shadowed with deepest green,
The wild flowers springing, fading, and renewing
From day to day then- blossom, till the eye
Drank beauty carelessly, and the hand roved
From bud to bud, almost unconsciously,
So wildly fresh they grew; the hare-bell there
Upraised its little head of tender blue,
To the gale trembling; and the woodbine wreaths
Luxuriantly wound about the trees,
With ivy intertwined, and forest shrubs;
The pale rose, there expanding, poured its slight
And rare perfume, and the dark crimson one
Blushed out its sweetness on the quiet air.