Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/213

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To his own fold of blessedness and love;
By the still waters, and the bright green pastures,
He leads ye forth; and, having taken ye
From the soft shelter of your mother's breast,
Hath granted ye, as spotless little ones,
Amidst his radiant and immortal band,
To join the chorus of eternal praise.

Deem them not blest whom prosperous fortune guides
O'er life's smooth shores, or on her level tides;
Who see the sunshine of one cloudless sky,
No warning cloud, no saving breezes nigh,
Do hope and rapture fill then summer sail,
All gaily wafted by the passing gale?
Does every hour some light-winged pleasure give,
Supplied with all fate's richest hand can give?
Deem them not blest—for to their darkened eyes,
A world presents its store of vanities;
Wooes them to taste, to trust, and to admire,
And kindles in the soul each weak desire.