Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/49

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Wherever want had bowed her head,
Was heard his footstep's gentle tread:
Where error or where guilt appeared,
His mild, rebuking voice was heard;
And where the mourner vigil kept,
His sympathizing bosom wept.

By all revered, by all beloved,
In peace and joy through Life he moved,
And that pure spirit found a breast
On which his own in trust might rest;
And visions of home-felt delight
Around him threw their angel-light.

His cup of earthly joy was full,
And life itself was beautiful;
But even in that horn- of bliss,
Deeper and holier joys were his;
And oft he raised his ardent eyes,
In faith, to the immortal skies.

The mandate came—in that bright day,
It came, and he was called away;
From love, from friendship, and from life,
He past, nor felt the painful strife;
Oh they were dear—but dearer still
To him was his Creator's will.