Page:Poems Hornblower.djvu/52

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Of Zeno we have an illustrious testimony from a solemn decree of the Athenians:—"Whereas Zeno, the son of Mnseas, the Cittican, having many years professed philosophy in this city, and, as well in all other things, hath demeaned himself like a good man, as particularly exhorting the young men who went to be instructed by him, hath provoked them to virtue and sobriety, withal exhibiting his own life a pattern of the best things, answerable to the discourses he used to make, it is therefore decreed by the people, that Zeno, the son of Mnaseas, be solemnly praised, and crowned (according to the usage) with a golden crown, and that a monument be erected for him at the public charge in the Ceramicum."—From Barrow's Sermons, vol. 1, p. 342.

In ancient times, one spot
Was sacred to the brave;
The laurel waved for him
Who died his land to save.

And heroes who had bled,
Returning in their pride,
Stood with their crowned brows
That holy dust beside.