September Song.
These beautiful clays of September
For me have a wonderful charm,
Because of the joys I remember
Of old autumn-life on the farm.
For me have a wonderful charm,
Because of the joys I remember
Of old autumn-life on the farm.
Was ever a spot more inviting
To wayfarer weary and lone?
Where guests ever vied in requiting
The manifold courtesies shown.
To wayfarer weary and lone?
Where guests ever vied in requiting
The manifold courtesies shown.
Where industry rendered abundant
Each annual gathering-in
Of harvests, till rich and redundant
Became every storehouse and bin.
Each annual gathering-in
Of harvests, till rich and redundant
Became every storehouse and bin.
As benisons graciously given,
That household I cannot forget
Accepted the largess of heaven,
And humbly acknowledged the debt.
That household I cannot forget
Accepted the largess of heaven,
And humbly acknowledged the debt.