In the preparation bustle
Which this sacred season brings,
Hear we not the gentle rustle
Of the herald angel's wings?
Which this sacred season brings,
Hear we not the gentle rustle
Of the herald angel's wings?
In the gifts which form His cradle,
We may still the Christ-child see,—
Though uncouth as Bethl'hem's stable
Their outside appearance be.
We may still the Christ-child see,—
Though uncouth as Bethl'hem's stable
Their outside appearance be.
See we not the human mother
In the e'er recurring sign?—
Peaceful feelings tow'rd each other,
Fathered by good-will divine?
In the e'er recurring sign?—
Peaceful feelings tow'rd each other,
Fathered by good-will divine?
In the gladsome Christmas greeting,
We may hear the blest refrain;
Angel's through Man's lips repeating,
"Peace on earth; good-will to men!"
We may hear the blest refrain;
Angel's through Man's lips repeating,
"Peace on earth; good-will to men!"
Love-warm gifts received, remind us
Of that lonely, star-lit plain,
For in acts of human kindness
Christ is born in flesh, again!
Of that lonely, star-lit plain,
For in acts of human kindness
Christ is born in flesh, again!
In the children's laughter, merry,
Do they not the truth betray;—
Jesus,—bodied in the very
Toys received,—they see today?
Do they not the truth betray;—
Jesus,—bodied in the very
Toys received,—they see today?