WEARY? Nay, not weary yet;
He will come.
Promising, can He forget?
Oh, He will come!
Counting not the days or years,
Wait we till our Lord appears.
He will come.
Promising, can He forget?
Oh, He will come!
Counting not the days or years,
Wait we till our Lord appears.
Everywhere we know is strife—
He will come!—
Angry dash of life with life;
But He will come,—
He whose kingdom is of peace;
Peace must conquer, hate must cease.
He will come!—
Angry dash of life with life;
But He will come,—
He whose kingdom is of peace;
Peace must conquer, hate must cease.
Powers must tremble; swords must fail;
He will come;
Then can hell itself prevail
When He is come ?
Darkness reigns, but He is Light—
He who shall all darkness smite.
He will come;
Then can hell itself prevail
When He is come ?
Darkness reigns, but He is Light—
He who shall all darkness smite.