Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/133

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And reached the spot where stands this hall
When lo! in yonder field
He spied a form approaching near,
And found 'twas Brother Heald
And on the self same purpose bent!
Lute straightway feared the worst;
It but remained now to be seen
Which one would get there first!

Lucius quickened up his pace
Nor stopped for rocks or planks,
Tis said his record equaled then
The far-famed Nancy Hanks!
He nearly now his courage lost,
The way seemed not so clear
To be the first to break the ground
With tother feller near.

So in the road the spade he dropped
And scooped it full of earth
Then sprang with all his wondrous might
And ran for all he's worth
And dumped that sand upon the spot,
And made a little mound—
"Ah, ha!" quoth he, "I am the first
To break the Grange Hall ground!'