Page:Poems Merrill.djvu/72

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"Swell on the head? well there I vow—
What you been up to any how?"
"Beg pardon marm!"—at her he stared,
"But is your hearing not impared?"
"My herrings pared? Yes, scraped off the scales
And then cut off the heads and tails!"

The peddler's voice grew loud and louder:—
"Say marm! don 't you want to buy some powder?
Here is one dozen shell hair pins"—
"What! want to sell a pair of twins?
Why man, you make a body laugh,
I'd rather buy a Jersey calf—

Me! buy them twins!"—"Madam, your wrong!
Have been mistaken all along!"—
"Didn't take 'em along? it's just as well,
For twins ain't very good to sell."
"Excuse me marm—but my belief
Is that you must be a little deaf!"

"A little beef?—for dinner—hey?
Beef and herrings did you say?'
I didn't say so!"he loudly roar'd—
But his voice took wing and upward soar'd.
"Don't worry—you won't have to wait,
I'll get your dinner before 'tis late."