Page:Poems Mitford.djvu/39

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And fancy lends her vivid ray
To gild fair childhood's halcyon day!

Amidst the garden's peaceful shade,
Where oft with sportive glee we play'd,
While some, reclin'd in verdant bow'rs,
With tales amus'd the passing hours,
And some their fav'rite flow'rs attend,
I roam'd with my selected friend;
And, constant to the maid I lov'd,
With Zosia still I fondly rov'd.
Oh! she was fair! and wise! and good!
And sprung from Poland's noblest blood!
To others, haughty she might be,
But kind and gentle still to me!
In yon deserted path we walk'd,
Of home and our dear parents talk'd,
Or glowing with some rural theme,
Together wove the fairy dream: