Page:Poems Nealds.djvu/46

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When night around her sable mantle throws,
And others' eyes are clos'd in peaceful sleep,
I watchful lie, musing on all my woes,
I wake with misery's tears my couch to steep.
But 'twas not always thus; I once was gay,
Once I was foremost in mirth's festive throne;
Some new-born pleasure hail'd me ev'ry day,
Each evening clos'd with some light jocund song.
Lightly I tripp'd through childhood's flow'ry maze,
And in my path cull'd many a blooming flow'r;
Ah! little thinking that such haleyon days
So sweetly smiling would so soon be o'er.
But each sweet hope which blossom'd wild and fair
Is blighted by the blast of dark despair.