She flings herself and her imploring breath Has saved a life to love and fame so sweet.
The next a Turkish scene, where on the throne The grand Al Rashid sits in regal state,The signs of royalty about him strewn; While on his majesty his vassals wait.The long white line wound on, with here and there A sudden flash of crimson-hearted flame;Music and fragrance filled the sunlit air, As, sweeping past, the glorious pageant came.
Swift following upon another car, Is borne the lovely victor of CalaisBright with the honors of successful war, Her soft cheek blooming with a nation's praise.With heaven's own inspiration in her face— The precious work that God delights to make—She stands aflush with youth, and hope and grace, The lovely Maid who perished at the stake.
I still must sleep—for still I seem to dream, Britania smiles in marble majesty;