"So brief the distance then between
Palace and hut, need I be sad?—
Almost he loves me. Ay, a queen
I were—if but a crown I had!
Palace and hut, need I be sad?—
Almost he loves me. Ay, a queen
I were—if but a crown I had!
"Ah me, unhappy in my place!
'What matter, since they are apart,
Whether one rose-leaf or all space
Divide divided heart and heart?"
'What matter, since they are apart,
Whether one rose-leaf or all space
Divide divided heart and heart?"
. . . It was a thousand years ago.
To-night Time tells the tale anew:
I am that peasant girl, I know;
And, sir, the king's fair son are you!
To-night Time tells the tale anew:
I am that peasant girl, I know;
And, sir, the king's fair son are you!