Page:Poems Pizey.djvu/23

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In vain his pious friend with pitying care
Tries to compose his mind by earnest prayer:
Trembling at truths he dares not now deny,
With what despair he rolls his languid eye!
Heart-rending sighs now waste his feeble breath
And thus the wretched atheist meets his death!
We know not if another day will come,
Nor vet how soon we slumber in the tomb.
E'en now the destroying angel is abroad,
And holds unsheath'd th' exterminating sword:
He waits unseen in every path we tread,
And hovering watches e'en around our bed:
He mingles poison with our daily food,
Nor spares the rich, or poor, or had, or good.
Mortals, be wise—Religion's counsels hear;
They can divest the tyrant Death of fear,
Teach us to wait s sure approach resign'd,
And part from life with fortitude of mind.