Page:Poems Pizey.djvu/29

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League with evil inclinations,
And draw his erring heart from thee.
Save me, O God, from all this host
Of powerful foes, and guide my steps
In calm contentment's pleasant way,
And let Religion's holy lamp
Direct me in the path of life,
Far from the dread abyss of sin,
Unhurt amidst the snares of vice,
Safe through the shad'wy vale of death,
To mansions of eternal rest;
To pleasures unalloy'd by pain,
To brighter joys, which never fade,
To scenes of bliss which will not end,
Where the glorious Sun of Peace
Sets but to rise more bright and fair,
Where alone the just made perfect
Inherit to eternity,
And dwell for ever, Lord, with thee.