Page:Poems Prescott.djvu/21

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And he sang out, "Surely surely,
Lark and thrush are here anon.
I have come along so early
Just to see how things get on.

"Here and there a green leaf's peeping;
Far and near the brooks are heard;
Nature is not dead or sleeping,
Busy she about her word."

Yesterday, upon my honor,
When I thought the spring was cold,
With her royal robes upon her,
Came the crocus through the mould.

And she whispered, "Was I dreaming,—
Some one seemed to call my name;
Was it real? was it seeming?
I put on my crown and came.

West wind and sunshine
Braided together;
What is the one sign
But pleasant weather?

Birds in the cherry trees,
Bees in the clover;
Who half so gay as these
All the world over?

Strawberries in the grass,
Roses regretting
How soon the summer 'll pass,—
Next year forgetting.