Page:Poems Proctor.djvu/238

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Now who that loves his wife, or child,
Or home, or brother man,
But in the bright, heroic ranks,
That day will swell the van?
And strong in love and hope and faith,
And treading firm the sod,
Up to the patriot's altar go,
Beneath the eye of God.

Young men! around whose virgin vote
The proudest thoughts entwine;
Fathers! who ne'er again may see
The moon of harvest shine;
And ye who know the heat of life,
And bear its toil and fray,
O bring your gift, with fervent heart
To Freedom's shrine that day!

Let Freedom thrill the poet's song,
And be the statesman's care,
And speak from sermon and from hymn,
And yearn in every prayer.
Nay, let it wail in ocean winds,
And flash from out the sun,
And thunder 'mid the mountain peaks,
Until the Work be done!