Page:Poems Proctor.djvu/243

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WHO 'S READY? July, 1862.
God help us! Who's ready? There's danger before!
Who 's armed and who's mounted? The foe 's at the door!
The smoke of his cannon hangs black o'er the plain;
His shouts ring exultant while counting our slain;
And northward and northward he presses his line:
Who's ready? Oh, forward!—for yours and for mine!

No halting, no discord; the moments are Fates;
To shame or to glory they open the gates;
There 's all we hold dearest to lose or to win;
The web of the future to-day we must spin;
And bid the hours follow, with knell or with chime:
Who's ready? Oh, forward!—while yet there is time!