Page:Poems Proctor.djvu/264

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Now must the storied Potomac
Laurels forever divide;
Now to the Sangamon fameless
Give of its century's pride;
Sangamon, stream of the prairies,
Placidly westward that flows,
Far in whose city of silence
'Calm he has sought his repose.
Over our Washington's river
Sunrise beams rosy and fair;
Sunset on Sangamon fairer,—
Father and martyr lies there.

Kings under pyramids slumber,
Sealed in the Libyan sands;
Princes in gorgeous cathedrals,
Decked with the spoil of the lands;
Kinglier, princelier sleeps he,
Couched 'mid the prairies serene,
Only the turf and the willow
Him and God's heaven between;
Temple nor column to cumber
Verdure and bloom of the sod,—
So in the vale by Beth-peor
Moses was buried of God.