Page:Poems Proctor.djvu/28

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On all who proved recreant, passed in review;
While Indian-Philip his words coined anew,
And added explainingly, "Christians adore
These three Gods and one God, and that will make four."
Thus ended Valverde: "The Pope, and our King,
Earth's mightiest ruler, have sent us to bring
This light in your darkness. Renounce your false ways
And learn the true God of the Spaniards to praise!
Become their good vassal;—so vengeance shall spare,
And you and your land have their fostering care."

"Atúc!" groaned the Inca, on fire when he heard;
His proud form dilated as word after word
Fell hot on his ear; and in answer he flames,
"What warrant has Pope or has King for his claims?"—
While the people's deep murmur crept out to the valley—
Where legion on legion would rise at his rally;
"This book," said Valverde; and sternly he placed
The Bible before him. The Inca in haste
Scans its pages; then dashed it disdainfully down: