Page:Poems Rice.djvu/101

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SWEET friend, are you lonely? O let me unfold
My thoughts, while the sun sets in purple and gold;
While the oriole warbles her wild evening lay,
To you a slight tribute I feel I must pay.
Though sad recollection embitters the hour,
It may be cheered somewhat by sympathy's power;
E'en while I attempt a communion so dear,
Your presence seems drawing already quite near.

If you will allow me, in rhyme I will tell
Of a drive that we took through the green grove and dell;
The sky was so clear, and the trees all in bloom,
How much I enjoyed—may I tell you with whom?
You may, perchance, call this a romance of mine,
And say, if I am to be earnest, 'tis time;
But stronger with years grows my love and desire
To wander 'mid nature, her works to admire.

And, too, with a loved one to roam by my side,
To listen while I all my pleasures confide,
Or, if I am silent, I'm well understood,
By quite comprehending each varying mood;