Page:Poems Rice.djvu/111

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AWAKE from slumber, greet the day begun,
The natal day of our great Washington;
Unfurl your banners; let the deep-toned bell
Resound aloud, the welcome day to tell.

First, low on bended knee thanksgivings pour,
And praises mingle with the cannon's roar;
Give psalms to Him, and choirs your anthems sing,
Throughout the land let pure hosannas ring;

Let Everett's matchless eloquence now flow,
Portraying virtues which the world should know;
Himself a star to light the coming age,
To show how lived and died our country's sage.

He for Mt. Vernon,—O that hallowed ground
Where sleeps the hero of our theme profound,—
Our hero's radiant name will he embalm,
Steadfast in faith which nothing could disarm.