Page:Poems Rice.djvu/145

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ALTHOUGH simply drawn, the picture is true,
Pause for a moment and listen, my friend;
Just as it was I will sketch it for you,
In charity's name your sympathy lend.
Walking alone on a mission to-day,
I met on the park, by a wealthy man's door,
A boy—O his accents I cannot portray—
Scarce seven years old, and wretchedly poor.

"They've taken my bread;" this answer he gave
When the question was put, "Pray, why do you cry?"
"This is my basket, and all I could save;
They snatched it and ran; now for more would I try,
But, lady, 'tis late, the lamplighter 's round,
Now lighting the streets already, you see;
I have a long walk on cold, frozen ground,
And mother and sister are waiting for me.

"I begged just enough for their supper, I thought,
And was running along at the top of my speed,
When three naughty boys, a piece they each caught
From my basket, while I was in hunger and need.
My father was killed in the war long ago,
And mother is sick, and my sister is young.