Page:Poems Rice.djvu/86

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QUEENLY ship! they tell me thou art sailing
Far o'er the waters on the mighty deep;
That purple shadows thy form are veiling,
And only stars their constant vigils keep.
First in thy beauty I saw thee gliding
Adown the stream from dear Columbia's shore;
Then, alas! the mountain billows riding—
See storm-clouds threaten, list the ocean's roar.

They look, and wonder why no tears are streaming
For one thou hold'st so very dear to me,
And say how strange, indifferent seeming,
Then look in vain some signs of grief to see;
On my spirit's pinion I am flying
Through midnight blackness o'er the rolling wave;
Useless to weep, and vainer still is sighing—
I look to thee, O Father! thou canst save.

Stay, blustering winds! ye lightnings, cease your flashing!
Look up, thou youthful wanderer through the din!
Nay, start not at the heavy thunder clashing;
Look up, and put thy confidence in Him.