Page:Poems Ripley.djvu/13

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Come out to me my love, my queen, where moonlight softly lingers,
On flower and leaf and in among the fountain's plashing waters!
Come to me where I stand and wait.
Beside the rose-tree at the gate,
     Sweet Iverness!

The clustered, snowy daisies sleep among the tall, sweet grasses;
And buttercups are slumbering too, along the sloping hillsides;
The stars are winking in the skies.
Like many wide, sweet, wondering eyes,
     My Iverness!

A little flitting, wandering breeze goes dancing through the garden;
And at my feet is softly hurled a shower of scented rose-leaves.
Like fairies huddled at my feet.
To spread a carpet for thee, sweet,—
     My Iverness!

Come out to me my love, my queen, where moon- light softly filters
Through leafy branches to the ground, in dainty, checkered patterns;
I have a message new for you,
Shut in this rose all drenched in dew
     My Iverness!

Oh list! I hear a light footfall approaching in the distance;
A white dress gleams and then is lost among the ghostly shadows,—
It gleams again, my heart beats fast;
I've waited long, she comes at last.
     My Iverness!