Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/121

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A BLUE-EYED phantom far before
Is laughing, leaping toward the sun:
Like lead I chase it evermore,
I pant and run.

It breaks the sunlight bound on bound:
Goes singing as it leaps along
To sheep-bells with a dreamy sound
A dreamy song.

I laugh, it is so brisk and gay;
It is so far before, I weep:
I hope I shall lie down some day,
Lie down and sleep.


I NURSED it in my bosom while it lived,
I hid it in my heart when it was dead:
In joy I sat alone, even so I grieved
  Alone and nothing said.

I shut the door to face the naked truth,
I stood alone—I faced the truth alone,
Stripped bare of self-regard or forms or ruth
  Till first and last were shown.