Page:Poems Rossetti.djvu/338

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And stuffs up all the hollows,—
Except a hoar frost here and there,—
Except some shooting stars
Which dart their luminous cars
Trackless and noiseless through the keen night air.

[October, shrugging his shoulders, withdraws into the background, while November throws her pine-cones on the fire, and sits down listlessly.]


The earth lies fast asleep, grown tired
Of all that's high or deep;
There's nought desired and nought required
  Save a sleep.
I rock the cradle of the earth,
I lull her with a sigh;
And know that she will wake to mirth
  By and by.

[Through the window December is seen running and leaping in the direction of the door. He knocks.]


Ah, here's my youngest brother come at last:

[Calls out without rising.]

Come in, December.

[He opens the door and enters, loaded with evergreens in berry, etc.]

Come, and shut the door,
For now it's snowing fast;
It snows, and will snow more and more;