Page:Poems Ryan.djvu/40

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O Loved and Lost! it can not be,
We part for aye to-day,
That I no more gaily with thee,
Down by the brook will stray.
The wild rose that we plucked is dead,
But ah! its thorns remain
Deep in my heart; for joy has fled,
Never to come again.

Down by the brook, lover's tales you told,
And stole my heart from me,
Then locked it with the key of gold
You dropped in mem'ry's sea.
Though we must part, we'll meet again,
Beyond the mists of death.
For souls in heaven would harbor pain
Without the loved of earth.

:::One gloomy day,
   A man did stray
Through fields and woodlands drear
   And chanced to see
   On the green lea,
A flower sweet and fair.
It was the violet so blue,
That he saw hiding there.