Page:Poems Scudder.djvu/24

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We have seen it oftentimes,
Fragile wonder of the past—
Whorl and spiral delicate
And we deemed it would outlast

Steel and granite—yet we know
Brutal hands have torn the lace
Wrought by Mary and her maids
Ruined all its airy grace.

—Michael of the Fiery Sword,
Smite and fiercely smite again
Those who rent the priceless web,
Made the blest ones' labor vain.

Across the meadows swung the train
By black roofed sheds and earth-cuts raw,
And I half choked with dust and steam
Peered through the blurring glass and saw

How in great waves of grey and brown
The smoke and salty fog were rolled.
Heavily plunged the dying sun
And blew a wrathful spume of gold.

The monster signs that boast of soap,
Chocolate, thread were hid each one;
Between slant grass, the scattered pools
Vivid as unset garnets shone.

[ 8 ]