Page:Poems Sherwin.djvu/10

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  The morn arose, the air was calm and mild,
All nature bloomed and in soft beauty smiled;
When young Mortality awaking rose
Fresh from creation's bed—and left repose.
She wandered forth—a careless sprightly maid—
And in the world's wide garden gaily strayed.

  All, all was charming then,—the clear blue sky
Unclouded smiled and pleased her youthful eye.
The flowers were fresh, and shed perfume around,
And with their varied hues bedecked the ground:
The sparkling dewdrop trembled on the thorn,
And dulcet strains were on the breezes borne.

  On, on she smiling tripped from flower to flower,
And bathed in pleasure's stream, or sought her bower
Unconscious that the future hours were rife
With toil and care, and bitterness, and strife.

  The day advanced, the flowers began to fade,
The parching sun drove her to seek the shade;
Clouds gathered round, and hid the azure sky;
Storms swept along, and changes flitted by.
Thorns now she saw were hid beneath the flowers.
And coiling snakes lay sleeping in the bowers.
Alternately her bosom rack and tear.