Page:Poems Sherwin.djvu/63

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wise location, for it is little to be doubted that many are still to be found.

Amy now laughs at her former credulity, and employs her leisure time in giving instruction in the excellent school opened in the village for Sabbath-day teaching, and she makes it a strict rule to use her most earnest endeavours to eradicate every shadow of superstition in the minds of her pupils.

On my last visit to the family of the Seedman's they were living much as usual, happily in the affection of dutiful children. The son has become quite an intelligent young man, and is engaged in assisting his father in the cultivation and improvement of their farm, and Amy as amiable as ever, with more rational good sense, daily seeking and gaining knowledge, which I have no doubt she will put to the' best uses, and ever remain, as she now is, a dutiful child and a good christian, dispensing cheerfulness and happiness around.


If you wish your children to get on in the world, give them education—give them knowledge. If you wish them to be respected, teach them to respect themselves.