Page:Poems Sherwin.djvu/80

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Whilst those with thousand crimes oppress'd
Appear to be supremely blest.

Then, let us trust that woe to man is given,
For some wise purpose by all-seeing heaven;
And meekly kiss the salutary rod,
With hope, and trust, and confidence in God.

Softly blows the evening breeze,
Gently flows the gliding river,
Wild birds warble in the trees,
Nature's songsters charming ever.

The setting sun, with golden ray,
On grove and mead is sweetly gleaming,
Gilding all the flowers of May,
Which brightly now around are beaming.

Earth seems wrapp'd in purest joy,
Then banish far all gloom and sadness;
Nature's pleasures never cloy,
But fill the soul with pleasing gladness.

Then let the good and virtuous now
Enjoy the bliss for them intended,
And banish care from every brow,
Life's flowers will bloom till life is ended.