Page:Poems Shore.djvu/123

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Some vanishing to shine again no more);
Then, tending downwards, we have passed together
From throne to throne, temple to temple, down
To this strange, restless, miserable time.
Thou hast heard the endless chorus of men's sighs
Roll by us like the murmur of the sea,
Then, as the present age loomed into sight,
Nearer and nearer swelling into groans,
And shrieks, and curses, whilst above them all
Triumphant music soared into the skies,
From modern Neros singing to the flames
Of human hearths—and hearts.
Thou hast seen how Kings,
Like Mammoths of the past, survivals grim
Of the world's childhood, prey upon it still;
Hast seen the priests still offering at the shrine
Of God framed in the tyrant's image, not
(What once was savoury to their Deity)
The sacrifice of human flesh and blood,
But man's more sacred soul; thou hast seen the strong
Stamping the weak to dust, hast seen the wise
Frame laws to snare the simple, wealth rob the poor,
Bribe innocence to sin; and thou hast heard
The grave voice of devout hypocrisy
In Bible phrase inform us "It is good."