Page:Poems Shore.djvu/181

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Pedro the Cruel
As sinners with the devils, so was I
Still threatened with Enriquez. Such the lesson
Burnt into me from my cradle.
Burnt into me from my cradle.Maria. Ah, unlearn it!
Now thou art raised so high, and they brought low.
Pedro. Maria, I will not sue to them again
To let me pardon them! They trust me not!
Like young wild hawks, amid the northern hills,
Cowering and fiercely shy, deaf to my voice,
In dangerous sullen silence still they watch me.
Maria. Their mother, Pedro! Oh, their murdered mother!
How should they trust thee? How should they come near thee?
Blessed be God, the crime was none of thine;
But he who did it is thy minister,
And stands so near thee that his guilt's vast shadow
Blots thy young royalty. What, must I kneel?
Pedro. Thou look'st so lovely so, I will not raise thee.
Speak thy petition.
Speak thy petition.Maria. Wilt thou say me no?
Pedro. Try me. What wilt thou?
:Pedro. Try me. What wilt thou?Maria. May it please Don Pedro,
Recall thy brothers, banish Albuquerque.
Pedro. 'Tis granted, love, joyfully, fully, freely!