Page:Poems Shore.djvu/190

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Pedro the Cruel
Him that you kiss the feet of now, Fadrique—
Murder our mother—murder her, Fadrique!
By that cold violent edge of stabbing steel
Rude soldiers die by—with her poor cheeks still
Wet with the tears she wept within your arms
For hours long at Llerena—murdered her,
A woman, the most beautiful of women,
Her that, if love and faith make a true wife,
And nobleness of nature a true queen,
Was twenty thousand times more queen and wife
Than the curst thing our father called so. What?
Now you turn pale—you were her darling—Well?
Is that forgiven too?
Is that forgiven too?Fab. Enough of this.
If for the desperate ends of your revenge,
And yet more your ambition, you can revel
In recollections scorching to the soul,
Enjoy the feast alone! My mother's murder
You know that neither God nor I have pardoned.
The deed was none of Pedro's.
The deed was none of Pedro's.Enri. No, sweet boy!
What should he know of killing?
What should he know of killing?Fad. All the hands
That dabbled in it, as you know, are dead.
As for the other shames and scorns you speak of,
Our honours were all shames and scorns to Pedro.
Boylike he pardoned all, to suffer after