Page:Poems Shore.djvu/197

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Pedro the Cruel
Enter a Servant

Bring in my children.
Dol. (To herself.) Those hands that with one light wave of her fan
Can summon Pedro's devil up from hell—.
That smile when good men weep—

Enter Nurse and Children

Maria. Now what say you, Dolores? are the children
Of Pedro like him?
Of Pedro like him?Dol. Oh, poor Blanche! Now God
Forgive thee, for, to look at them, these children
Should be a queen's. Is there grace in her, then!
Can those tears be true diamonds? Nurse, I pray thee
Give me the baby—this I guess the eldest—
What is thy name? By Heaven she holds to me
Her little hand to kiss.
Her little hand to kiss.Maria. Nay, she must not
Queen it to you. Embrace her, kind Dolores,
And she will tell her name.
And she will tell her name.Beatrice. I am Beatrice.
Dol. The very brow of good King Don Alonzo!
Maria. Some say she's like her uncle, Don Fadrique.