Page:Poems Shore.djvu/206

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Beatrice of Swabia

Charles the Lame, Prince of Salerno, eldest son of Charles of Anjou. His young wife, witnessing the scene from the Castello dell' Uovo, is joined there by the Cardinal Gherardo, both in great dismay, as Loria has threatened the life of the Prince unless the captive Beatrice is instantly surrendered.

SCENE.—Princess of Salermo, Governor of the
Castle, Cardinal Gherardo

Princess. Let me fly to her! Instantly—where? where?
Gov. Madam, to reach her you must bend your steps
By many a cold and steep and winding stair
Below the very margin of the sea,
Into a vast vault lighted from above.
Princess. A dungeon! Oh!
Princess. A dungeon! Oh!Gov. No; a dim princely state
She holds in those wide chambers, and, unseen,
She sees a glimpse of sky.
She sees a glimpse of sky.Princess. No, no, I dare not!
I dare not fetch a ghost out of her grave.
Go you, my lord, go you, and bring her to me,
To my own chamber—haste!

The interview takes place, and the Princess