Page:Poems Shore.djvu/210

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Beatrice of Swabia
'Twill taste as bitter now.Loria.Welcome, Sir Prince,
To Sicily.
To Sicily.Prince. I thank you; 'twas not thus
I thought to see it for the first time.
I thought to see it for the first time.Loria. Thus,
And only thus, Sir.
And only thus, Sir.Prince. Say, Lord Admiral,
Is that the lovely ghost you conjured up?
Loria. The Princess, Sir, King Manfred's daughter.
Prince. Princess,
You were my father's captive. The revenge
Of fortune makes me yours—a willing one,
In bondage to your beauty. Let me kiss
Your hand and pray you to forgive my father.
Beat. (To Loria)Tell him, my lord,
I seek no vengeance for my wrongs; it could not
Bring back the years his father robbed me of.
Prince. I hear you, lady. But in your stern lot
I had no part. And yet, forgive my father
For hiding in the dark such loveliness.
Since now you are come forth your charms are brighter
For that long sad eclipse, and far outshine
The blossoms that unclosed beneath the sun.
Beat. (To Loria.) Pray him, my lord, to spare me: let me withdraw,