Page:Poems Shore.djvu/216

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Beatrice of Swabia
That tinged the very domes and towers and spires,
And e'en the water with a tinge of blood,
And turned the angel music of the bells
Into a cry of anguish. What was done here?
What horror has passed o'er this lovely place?
As I paced hither up the Marble Road,[1]
All dizzied by the wild shouts of the crowd,
I thought a curse was on me, and on all
I looked upon, until I saw you come
Hurrying to meet me through the long, long hall,
And all in tears. I knew not who you were,
Until one said, "That lady is the Queen,
Your sister." Yet I knew not what they meant.
I could but think I was in Heaven at last,
And you the dear Madonna.
And you the dear Madonna.Cons. Beatrice!
My Beatrice! 'Tis you who bring a blessing
Out of the depths of long unhappy years;
Sprung up from my slain father's desolate grave
You are a blossom tossed by wind and wave
Beat. What was that horrid thing he told me of?

As they advance from the Court into a suite of Palace rooms, Beatrice exclaims:

  1. Cassaro