Page:Poems Sigourney, 1834.pdf/158

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A very interesting daughter of the late Dr. Cogswell, who was deprived of the powers of hearing and speech, cherished so ardent an affection for her father, that, after his death, she said, in her strong language of gesture, that "her heart had so grown to his, it could not be separated." By the Providence of the Almighty she was called in a few days to follow him; and from the abodes of bliss, where we trust she has obtained a mansion, may we not imagine her as thus addressing the objects of her fondest earthly affections?

                Sisters!—there's music here,
                    From countless harps it flows,
                Throughout this bright, celestial sphere
                    Nor pause, nor discord knows.
                    The seal is melted from my ear
                            By love divine
                    And what through life I pined to hear,
                            Is mine! Is mine!
            The warbling of an ever-tuneful choir,
        And the full, deep response of David's sacred lyre.
                Did kind earth hide from me
                    Her broken harmony,
        That thus the melodies of Heaven might roll,
And whelm in deeper tides of bliss, my rapt, my wondering soul?
                    Joy!—I am mute no more,
                        My sad and silent years,
                    With all their loneliness are o'er,
                        Sweet sisters! dry your tears: