Page:Poems Sigourney 1827.pdf/169

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The prince's bow,—what mortal force could stay!
The monarch's sword what valour turn away!—
Like eagles swift, their dauntless course was run,
In life united, and in death but one.—
—Oh! lift o'er fallen Saul, the tearful eye
Ye Jewish dames,—whose robes in splendor vie,
He gave those robes with glittering pomp to shine,
And in his tomb your treasured joys decline.
—How are the mighty fallen, in danger's hour,
Though girt with strength, and doubly arm'd in power;
On their own lands their mingled blood was shed,
And vanquish'd legions bow'd the astonish'd head.—
—But Oh! my soul is sad,—my tears descend
For thee, my more than brother, more than friend!—
Long tried and firm, was thy attachment kind,
Than friendship warmer, more than love refined,—
What shall I say?—for ill these tones express
Thy buried goodness, or my own distress.—
—How are the mighty fallen!—how turn'd away
The heroes shield in war's disastrous day!"—


"Within the present age, the island of Sabrina, escaping from the grasp of Neptune, raised her head above the Ocean, in the neighbourhood of the Azores, and after holding her station for several years, slipped her cable, and put to sea, on a returnless voyage."
Professor Hall.

One day, as the nymphs of the Ocean disported
    Around father Neptune, and touch'd the sweet lyre,—
The old monarch smiled as his favour they courted,
    And bade them request what their hearts should desire.